'', 'body'=>''); // Do nothing $vars['msg'] = str_replace("\n", '', $vars['msg']); // Cut LFs $head = ''; $match = array(); if (preg_match('/^(-{1,2})-*\s*(.*)/', $vars['msg'], $match)) { $head = & $match[1]; $vars['msg'] = & $match[2]; } if ($vars['msg'] == '') return array('msg'=>'', 'body'=>''); // Do nothing $comment = str_replace('$msg', $vars['msg'], PLUGIN_RESPONSE_FORMAT_MSG); if(isset($vars['name']) || ($vars['nodate'] != '1')) { $_name = (! isset($vars['name']) || $vars['name'] == '') ? $_no_name : $vars['name']; $_name = ($_name == '') ? '' : str_replace('$name', $_name, PLUGIN_RESPONSE_FORMAT_NAME); $_now = ($vars['nodate'] == '1') ? '' : str_replace('$now', $now, PLUGIN_RESPONSE_FORMAT_NOW); $comment = str_replace("\x08MSG\x08", $comment, PLUGIN_RESPONSE_FORMAT_STRING); $comment = str_replace("\x08NAME\x08", $_name, $comment); $comment = str_replace("\x08NOW\x08", $_now, $comment); } $comment = '-' . $head . ' ' . $comment; $postdata = ''; $response_no = 0; $above = (isset($vars['above']) && $vars['above'] == '1'); /* foreach (get_source($vars['refer']) as $line) { if (! $above) $postdata .= $line; if (preg_match('/^#comment/i', $line) && $comment_no++ == $vars['comment_no']) { if ($above) { $postdata = rtrim($postdata) . "\n" . $comment . "\n" . "\n"; // Insert one blank line above #commment, to avoid indentation } else { $postdata = rtrim($postdata) . "\n" . $comment . "\n"; // Insert one blank line below #commment } } if ($above) $postdata .= $line; } */ // ---------- Add From Here ---------- require(PLUGIN_DIR . 'article' . '.inc.php'); $before_article = ''; $after_response = ''; $move_thread = ''; $response_thread = ''; $article_flag = false; $response_flag = false; foreach (get_source($vars['refer']) as $line) { if ($response_flag) { $after_response .= $line; } else { if (preg_match('/^#article/i', $line)) { $move_thread .= $response_thread; $before_article .= $move_thread . $line; $move_thread = ''; $response_thread = ''; $article_flag = true; } else { if (preg_match('/^\*\*/i', $line)){ // This is not good matching. $move_thread .= $response_thread; $response_thread = $line; } else { if (preg_match('/^#response/i', $line) && $response_no++ == $vars['response_no']) { $response_flag = true; if ($above) { $response_thread = rtrim($response_thread); $response_thread .= "\n" . $comment . "\n\n" . $line; } else { $response_thread .= $line . $comment . "\n"; } } else { $response_thread .= $line; } } } } } if (!PLUGIN_ARTICLE_INS && $above && $article_flag) { $postdata .= $before_article . $response_thread . $move_thread . $after_response; } else { $postdata .= $before_article . $move_thread . $response_thread . $after_response; } // ---------- Add To Here ---------- $title = $_title_updated; $body = ''; if (md5(@join('', get_source($vars['refer']))) != $vars['digest']) { $title = $_title_comment_collided; $body = $_msg_comment_collided . make_pagelink($vars['refer']); } page_write($vars['refer'], $postdata); $retvars['msg'] = $title; $retvars['body'] = $body; $vars['page'] = $vars['refer']; return $retvars; } function plugin_response_convert() { global $vars, $digest, $_btn_comment, $_btn_name, $_msg_comment; static $numbers = array(); static $comment_cols = PLUGIN_RESPONSE_SIZE_MSG; if (PKWK_READONLY) return ''; // Show nothing if (! isset($numbers[$vars['page']])) $numbers[$vars['page']] = 0; $response_no = $numbers[$vars['page']]++; $options = func_num_args() ? func_get_args() : array(); if (in_array('noname', $options)) { $nametags = ''; } else { $nametags = '' . '' . "\n"; } $nodate = in_array('nodate', $options) ? '1' : '0'; $above = in_array('above', $options) ? '1' : (in_array('below', $options) ? '0' : PLUGIN_RESPONSE_DIRECTION_DEFAULT); $script = get_script_uri(); $s_page = htmlspecialchars($vars['page']); $string = <<
EOD; return $string; } ?>